Sammy King born in 1976 in Melbourne Victoria, to a beautiful couple Dot and John.
Raised in Melbourne with her younger sister Karen and her two younger brothers Joel and Jack, she has lived over most of Victoria. Sammy is now married to David with three teenage sons Shannon, Samuel and Peter and her two fur babies Emma and Raven.
Sammy has been writing for most of her life, her very first story to ever be published was a little story in the newspaper when she was still in primary school. She had a wild imagination and could talk the leg off an iron pot. As she grew her stories grew with her, starting off by telling the tales of her family and friends to drawing on the emotions and vibrations that she felt the world give off.
Her stories aren't about particular people, but they are real none the less, real emotions, real people and real stories, they touch people whether that is to make them fall in love, hate or grieve, Sammy always aims her stories make you feel something